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Fifteen Illustrated Film Tie-in Book Covers

1960s, 1970s, Art, Book Covers, Film, Literature • 14713 Views • Comments Off on Fifteen Illustrated Film Tie-in Book Covers

These film tie-in book covers are from different decades.They’re all different genres, from Mod favourite Quadrophenia to kitchen sink drama Saturday Night and Sunday Morning. The only thing they all have in common is – They are all illustrated.

Most books that are connected to films play it safe, they’ll either have stills from the film or the movie’s main stars across the front cover. Here we have some book covers that break that trend.



Airport '77

dell 5611


avon T-257

Taxi Driver - Corgi book cover

The Billion Dollar Brain - Dell book cover

Quadrophenia - Corgi book cover

Monarch MM 602

The Cincinnati Kid - Pan book cover

pan g391

Sphere Books 76600

if. . . - Sphere book cover

vintage paperback--manchurian candidate

Vertigo - Dell book cover

The Watcher in the Woods

The Hustler by Walter S Tevis

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