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Archive for the ‘Art’ Category

  • The Art of Arnaldo Putzu

    • 8603 Views • 1960s, Art, Book Covers, Film, PosterComments Off on The Art of Arnaldo Putzu

    Back in the days before computers when almost all artwork was created by hand, many film posters were painted by individual artists who were given a rough brief and then left to do the rest. One of our favourite artists from this time is the Italian Arnaldo...

  • BEV Design Collective – Colourful Characters

    • 5544 Views • 1960s, ArtComments Off on BEV Design Collective – Colourful Characters

    Following on from our Art on Wheels post which briefly looked at the pop-art customisation of cars in Sixties London, it seemed remiss of us not to dig further into the history of the artists involved. Particularly as they played a pivotal role in the...

  • Art on Wheels – Custom Painting Sixties Style

    • 3934 Views • 1960s, Art, TransportComments Off on Art on Wheels – Custom Painting Sixties Style

    In the States customising cars has been a hobby for petrolheads since the 1930s, but it wasn’t really until the 1960s that this extended to exotic paint jobs as more wild and varied colours became available. This resulted in spectacular metal flake and...

  • Peter Max – Psychedelic Pop-Art Pioneer

    • 4585 Views • 1960s, ArtComments Off on Peter Max – Psychedelic Pop-Art Pioneer

    Many artists influenced the whole late-sixties psychedelic movement and up there amongst them is a certain Peter Max. A man whose interest in astronomy led to what he termed his ‘Cosmic ‘60s’ period featuring early psychedelic and counter-culture...

  • Just One More! – Creative Cartoon Covers

    • 5999 Views • 1950s, 1960s, Art, MagazineComments Off on Just One More! – Creative Cartoon Covers

    The good people at the snappily titled Press Photographers Association of Greater Los Angeles (henceforth known as the PPAGLA and formerly known as the Los Angeles Press Photographers Association) have been around since 1936 and by the looks of things are...

  • Twenty Alan Aldridge Book Covers

    • 10406 Views • 1960s, 1970s, Art, Book CoversComments Off on Twenty Alan Aldridge Book Covers

    Avid readers of Voices of East Anglia may remember that we’ve previously covered the work of psychedelic artist and designer Alan Aldridge in our post titled The Man with Kaleidoscope Eyes Here we take a look at Aldridge’s book cover designs and...

  • Frank McCarthy’s Movie Poster Magic

    • 5596 Views • 1960s, 1970s, Art, Film, PosterComments Off on Frank McCarthy’s Movie Poster Magic

    In another of our occasional posts on little-known artists who created very well-known film posters we take a brief look at the life and art of Frank McCarthy a man you quite possibly have never heard of but, if you have even a passing interest in movies (and...

  • Guido Crepax – Pop Art Milanese Style

    • 6795 Views • 1960s, ArtComments Off on Guido Crepax – Pop Art Milanese Style

    Welcome to the world of Guido Crepax – an artist probably best-known for his erotic cartoons and the Valentina character he created in 1965. However, here at VoEA we don’t really do erotic art and all that so instead we are going to take a look at the...

  • Andy Warhol – Jazz Album Covers

    • 4778 Views • 1950s, 1960s, ArtComments Off on Andy Warhol – Jazz Album Covers

    We’ve cast an eye on the undeniably prolific Andy Warhol in a couple of previous posts – firstly looking at his Early Years and secondly when he started to make the most of his new-found fame featuring as he did in an advert for the now defunct...

  • Illustrious Sixties Illustrations

    • 9385 Views • 1960s, ArtComments Off on Illustrious Sixties Illustrations

    Whilst on our travels around the big old World Wide Web we’ve stumbled across these rather groovy illustrations from back in the day which have been taken from assorted British women’s magazines from throughout the 1960s. There are a few artists’ names...