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Archive for the ‘Book Covers’ Category

  • The Art of Arnaldo Putzu

    • 8603 Views • 1960s, Art, Book Covers, Film, PosterComments Off on The Art of Arnaldo Putzu

    Back in the days before computers when almost all artwork was created by hand, many film posters were painted by individual artists who were given a rough brief and then left to do the rest. One of our favourite artists from this time is the Italian Arnaldo...

  • Know the score – Sheet Music Covers

    • 4303 Views • 1960s, 1970s, Book Covers, Music, UncategorizedComments Off on Know the score – Sheet Music Covers

     We’re not sure if sheet music of current popular music hits sell particularly well these days so we’ll take a look back to simpler times when folk would presumably sit around the family piano and enjoy pop classics as a family sing-a-long. Conjures up...

  • Twenty Alan Aldridge Book Covers

    • 10406 Views • 1960s, 1970s, Art, Book CoversComments Off on Twenty Alan Aldridge Book Covers

    Avid readers of Voices of East Anglia may remember that we’ve previously covered the work of psychedelic artist and designer Alan Aldridge in our post titled The Man with Kaleidoscope Eyes Here we take a look at Aldridge’s book cover designs and...

  • Sixties Antipodean Pulp Fiction

    • 23153 Views • 1960s, Book CoversComments Off on Sixties Antipodean Pulp Fiction

    Let’s take a trip down-under mate and have a sneaky peak at the Australian pulp fiction scene of the 1960s where Horwitz Publishing were kings of the outback (well, Sydney) and churned out books at a mind-bogglingly prodigious rate.   Horwitz...

  • Brigitte Montfort – Brazilian Provocateur Extraordinaire

    • 24190 Views • 1960s, 1970s, Book CoversComments Off on Brigitte Montfort – Brazilian Provocateur Extraordinaire

    Brigitte Montfort – noted beauty, fierce intellectual, martial arts expert, Pulitzer Prize wiiner, and CIA agent. Never heard of her? Well, unless you are a big fan of Brazilian pulp fiction it’s unlikely you will have but hey, we’re about to change all...

  • Singers and Swingers In The Kitchen

    • 38350 Views • 1960s, Book Covers, Food, Literature, MusicComments Off on Singers and Swingers In The Kitchen

    Feeling hungry? Thought so. How do you fancy a little something from the ‘scene-makers cookbook’? Or as the cover notes say: ‘Dozens of nutty, turned-on, easy-to-prepare recipes from the grooviest gourmets happening.’ Now before you start sniggering,...

  • The Spy Who Copied Me

    • 28347 Views • 1960s, 1970s, Book CoversComments Off on The Spy Who Copied Me

    As one-time vicar, wine merchant, art collector, inveterate gambler and noted partridge shooter Charles Caleb Colton once famously remarked ‘imitation is the sincerest form of flattery’. During the 1960s there seemed to be a series of, let’s call them...

  • The Black Leopard Comic

    • 20980 Views • 1970s, Book Covers, Literature, MagazineComments Off on The Black Leopard Comic

    As another part of our occasional series focusing on men dressed up with big cat heads, which kicked off with the seminal Lee Lion Head ads, we now take a trip to the South African veldt and cast our beady eye on Die Swart Luiperd also known as The Black...

  • This is Miroslav Sasek

    • 30525 Views • 1960s, Art, Book CoversComments Off on This is Miroslav Sasek

    Miroslav Sasek originally trained as an architect principally because his parents weren’t too keen on his ambition to become a painter but, as if to prove that you shouldn’t stand in the way of talent, after he qualified he duly went off and became a...

  • New English Library Book Covers

    • 42859 Views • 1960s, 1970s, Book Covers, LiteratureComments Off on New English Library Book Covers

    We’ve looked at some of the great book covers from the New English Library’s collection in a previous post including G.F Newman’s compellingly titled ‘You Nice Bastard’ sequel to the perhaps even more impressively named (and best-selling at the...