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Archive for the ‘Food’ Category

  • Singers and Swingers In The Kitchen

    • 38348 Views • 1960s, Book Covers, Food, Literature, MusicComments Off on Singers and Swingers In The Kitchen

    Feeling hungry? Thought so. How do you fancy a little something from the ‘scene-makers cookbook’? Or as the cover notes say: ‘Dozens of nutty, turned-on, easy-to-prepare recipes from the grooviest gourmets happening.’ Now before you start sniggering,...

  • Kitsch Kitchen Ads

    • 32563 Views • 1960s, 1970s, Food, Retro AdvertisingComments Off on Kitsch Kitchen Ads

    Back now to a time when fondue parties were all the rage, when you couldn’t cross the road without a neighbour insisting on inviting you to their Tupperware party and of course the invention of the ‘greatest cooking discovery since fire’ – the...

  • Go Ape Over A Manwich

    • 14054 Views • 1960s, 1970s, FoodComments Off on Go Ape Over A Manwich

    As the strap-line says ‘a sandwich is a sandwich, but a Manwich is a meal’. Yes, welcome to the world of slightly odd American foodstuffs and what our cousins across the pond call Sloppy Joe sauce. Consisting of a seasoned tomato sauce and cooked ground...

  • Loafing Around – The Supremes White Bread

    • 22463 Views • 1960s, Ephemera, Food, Retro AdvertisingComments Off on Loafing Around – The Supremes White Bread

    Berry Gordy was not only a very clever chap when it came to spotting talent and developing a record label that went on to conquer the world he was also a bit of a marketing whizz too. It’s no coincidence that Motown got it right almost all the time and...

  • Len Deighton’s Action Cookbook

    • 19181 Views • 1960s, Book Covers, Food, LiteratureComments Off on Len Deighton’s Action Cookbook

    We’ve written about Len Deighton before when we looked at the mysterious Spy Story. Here we take a look at another side of Deighton’s scribing talents with his noted cookbook appropriately enough called Len Deighton’s Action Cookbook. It was...

  • De La Soul – Three Feet High and Rising Press Kit Video

    • 18179 Views • 1980s, Documentary, Food, MusicComments Off on De La Soul – Three Feet High and Rising Press Kit Video

    Fancy watching a bit of rare hip-hop footage from way back in March 1989? Yeah? Good, then settle down and check out this Press Kit video, essentially a promotional piece, detailing the history and influences behind De La Soul’s seminal debut release 3...

  • Wonder Bread

    • 13206 Views • 1960s, 1970s, Food, Retro AdvertisingComments Off on Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread has been a staple of the North American diet since the 1920s, was one of the first bread brands to come in sliced form, contains both vitamins and minerals and perhaps most notably has been mentioned in the Cliff Richard song Up in Canada (we...

  • Miles Davis Chili Recipe – Cool and Hot

    • 15239 Views • 1960s, Food, MusicComments Off on Miles Davis Chili Recipe – Cool and Hot

    Miles Davis – probably the greatest jazz musician ever to walk the Earth, the man who changed the course of popular music more than once, one of the best dressed men of the 20th Century and of course, the creator of the finest chili known to man. Whilst...

  • Wish You Were Here – Restaurant Postcards

    • 14881 Views • 1950s, 1960s, Architecture, FoodComments Off on Wish You Were Here – Restaurant Postcards

    So how do you make sure your customers don’t forget their delicious meal? With postcards of your fine eatery to go of course. Back in the day, cafes and restaurants produced a postcard of their establishments to publicise themselves and their wares and...

  • Psychedelic Snack – Retro Recipes and Cookbooks

    • 22102 Views • 1960s, 1970s, Art, Book Covers, FoodComments Off on Psychedelic Snack – Retro Recipes and Cookbooks

    Now, for those expecting to see recipes involving magic mushrooms and marijuana, we don’t mean that sort of Psychedelic Snack -The title refers to the groovy gourmet related covers (also it was a good chance to use some Motown wordplay courtesy of The...