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Archive for the ‘Everyday People’ Category

  • The Swainson/Woods Collection – Taranaki Tales

    • 9788 Views • 1960s, 1970s, Everyday PeopleComments Off on The Swainson/Woods Collection – Taranaki Tales

    We have here a group of photographs culled from a collection made up of the negatives from two photographic studios based in Taranaki, New Zealand. The collection runs from 1927 – 1997, and is basically a recorded social history of that area. We have...

  • Toronto Pop Festival 1969

    • 26491 Views • 1960s, Everyday People, MusicComments Off on Toronto Pop Festival 1969

    The Toronto Pop Festival was held on June 21st and 22nd in 1969 at the Varsity Stadium,  just a few months before the Woodstock festival. Over the weekend Bands such as Blood Sweat and Tears, Sly and The Family Stone, Dr John, Rotary Connection, Steppenwolf...

  • Highly Illogical – Star Trek Protest 1968

    • 15554 Views • 1960s, Everyday People, TelevisionComments Off on Highly Illogical – Star Trek Protest 1968

    As we’re a bunch of non-Trekkies here at VoEA we find this protest held outside the NBC studios in Burbank (as that Spock bloke says) highly illogical.1968 was the year when the Vietnam war saw major developments and many protesters took to the streets...

  • Comb Together – My Fake Moustache 1969

    • 9100 Views • 1960s, Everyday PeopleComments Off on Comb Together – My Fake Moustache 1969

    On our travels around the internet we sometimes find one-off  pictures that we usually share on our Facebook or Tumblr pages. One picture that stood alone was taken by photographer Nick DeWolf -1972 photo of a wig shop window display in Hong Kong showing a...

  • Dancing at Kilgarriff’s Café

    • 9063 Views • 1970s, Everyday PeopleComments Off on Dancing at Kilgarriff’s Café

    In this latest addition to our Everyday People section we check out some pictures from the Boston Public Library. Previously we’ve had some Dancing in the park on Cambridge Common in the late 1960s, this time we head forward a few years and go indoors...

  • Hullabalo – A Place To Go-Go

    • 13149 Views • 1960s, Everyday PeopleComments Off on Hullabalo – A Place To Go-Go

    In 1966 Life magazine described the Hullabalo chain of night clubs as “The franchise that swings a profit”. This wasn’t surprising as quick thinking business man John Angel (Pictured above on the right) saw the potential of buying the name...

  • Thick As Thieves – Christmas Shoplifting

    • 13201 Views • 1960s, Everyday PeopleComments Off on Thick As Thieves – Christmas Shoplifting

    For most people Christmas is the season of good will, sharing and giving. It’s also the time of year for not so goodwill and taking for the majority of shopkeepers, as the seasonal shoplifters hit the high streets during the festive period. These photos...

  • Paris 1963 – At The Discotheque

    • 13750 Views • 1960s, Everyday PeopleComments Off on Paris 1963 – At The Discotheque

    Hey all you groovy cats and kittens we’re going wayyyy back in time to Paris, France, the year of 1963 and the early days of what all the happening kids used to call discotheques (from the Greek words for disc: diskes and case: theke – which is also...

  • Dancing in The Park – 1970s Style

    • 16025 Views • 1970s, Everyday PeopleComments Off on Dancing in The Park – 1970s Style

    We’ve previously featured the excellent photos of Nick DeWolf who seemed to have the uncanny knack of capturing moments on film that sum up a time and place so succinctly you can almost imagine being there. Well, we have a another set of photos here, this...

  • Revolting Hippies

    • 12539 Views • 1960s, 1970s, Everyday PeopleComments Off on Revolting Hippies

    OK so they’re not revolting as such, more protesting in a peaceful way man without any heavy violence or cops getting down on them cos they are the man like you know. What strikes us about these excellent photos is that firstly back in 1969 hippies were...