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The Swainson/Woods Collection – Taranaki Tales

1960s, 1970s, Everyday People • 9869 Views • Comments Off on The Swainson/Woods Collection – Taranaki Tales

We have here a group of photographs culled from a collection made up of the negatives from two photographic studios based in Taranaki, New Zealand. The collection runs from 1927 – 1997, and is basically a recorded social history of that area. We have picked a few from our favourite eras generally (hover cursor over pic for details), and if you want to see more you can.

These are made up from all the commissions the two local photographers undertook, Swainson Studios from the 20’s to the 60’s and Woods taking up the reigns from the 1960’s onwards. Could this be our first post from New Zealand? Answers on a postcard please.

The collection of Negatives was donated to the amazingly named Puke Ariki, who we thank for sharing with us.


N.Z.E.D., Control Room (1 November 1976)

U.E.B. Industries, Exterior (9 February 1978)

'Cruze', Band (25 October 1979)

Unknown, Group (date unknown)

New Plymouth Public Library, Interior (8 July 1968) McQuaig, Band (12 December 1980)

Allport, Group (4 February 1986)

Golden Conquerers Marching Team, Group (21 June 1971)

Trotts Family Footwear, Interior (October 1976)

 A.P.A. Life Insurance Ltd., Men (9 October 1970)Pizza Hut, Interior (11 August 1981)

Waitara High School, Netball Team (4 February 1973)

Mobil Oil Company, Group (3 November 1973)

 Concert Promotions, Bowl of Brooklands (8 March 1980). Bowl of Brooklands, Performers (2 January 1970)

McGruers, Window Display (1923-1965)

 South Seas Sauna, Interior (28 September 1977) Western Bottling Company, Dalton's Shop Interior (24 August 1977)

Whiteley Church, Interior (7 August 1966)

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