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Soundhog – Musical Composition, Reappropriation and Reproduction

DJ mix, Music • 7070 Views • Comments Off on Soundhog – Musical Composition, Reappropriation and Reproduction

Following on from yesterday’s ‘Home Taping Didn’t Kill Music’ post and our mention of the legendary EMI Soundhog cassettes we were reminded of the work of one-time mash-upper (is that the correct term for someone who makes mash-ups?), occasional musician, DJ, re-editor and creator of some truly excellent long-form mixes – Soundhog. We’ve long been fans of his work which covers pretty much the full spectrum and urge you to have a look at his website and check out what he does. He’s not amongst the most prolific of posters but what he lacks in quantity he certainly makes up for in quality. 

Check out his work here and if you’re feeling a bit frivolous you can download some of his creations too.

He’s even got his own Wikipedia page – we’re impressed:  

….and BBC Wales love him:

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