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Archive for the ‘Architecture’ Category

  • Gimme A Sign – Dublin’s Ambassador Cinema

    • 14425 Views • 1970s, 1980s, Architecture, FilmComments Off on Gimme A Sign – Dublin’s Ambassador Cinema

    Recently in our Cinematic post we looked at various vintage movie theatres worldwide, this time we’re focusing on one – The Ambassador cinema in Dublin, Ireland. These photos of the cinema from the seventies and eighties display the artistic...

  • Metro Transportation Area Southern California – Station to Station

    • 7491 Views • 1980s, Architecture, TransportComments Off on Metro Transportation Area Southern California – Station to Station

    The following images have all been culled from the Flickr group ‘Metro Transportation Library and Archive’, and are all proposed construction drawings for new stations and their surroundings. The metro area in question is Southern California, in...

  • Cinematic – Movie Theatres and Cinemas

    • 15471 Views • 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, ArchitectureComments Off on Cinematic – Movie Theatres and Cinemas

    Time to get your popcorn ready as we take a look at some cinemas from the past and worldwide – from Israel (Above) to Sunset Boulevard, California in 1966. The pictures are mainly of postcards, and show a mixture of styles- from Brutalist...

  • The Home Book by Terence Conran – 1982

    • 26308 Views • Architecture, LiteratureComments Off on The Home Book by Terence Conran – 1982

    Although the Home book by English designer Terence Conran was published in 1982, a lot of the designs, colours and the Osmonds posters were still reflecting the flamboyant style of seventies. Amongst the pages are giant beds, space age looking sofas,...

  • Peter Womersley – Modernist Architect

    • 21364 Views • 1960s, ArchitectureComments Off on Peter Womersley – Modernist Architect

    Born in Yorkshire in June 1923, the young Charles Peter Womersley soon took a keen interest in architecture. However his grammar school headmaster persuaded him to study law at Cambridge just in case, which he did, only after serving in the Army during the...

  • Design from Scandinavia Magazine

    • 19521 Views • 1960s, Architecture, LiteratureComments Off on Design from Scandinavia Magazine

    Publisher Kirsten Bjerregaard launched the annual magazine Design from Denmark in 1967. Bjerregaard’s publishing house said that her ambition was to produce a ‘design exhibition in the form of a book’. 50,000 copies of the magazine were...

  • 1973 Bloomingdale’s Book of Home Decorating

    • 25753 Views • 1970s, Architecture, Book Covers, LiteratureComments Off on 1973 Bloomingdale’s Book of Home Decorating

    While digging around the internet looking for information on this 1973 book, we found out that the author Barbara D’Arcy had recently passed away on May 10th 2012. The New York Times described her as an “Interior Design Guru” and “an...

  • Bolwoningen – Globe Housing

    • 24570 Views • 1980s, Architecture, FuturisticComments Off on Bolwoningen – Globe Housing

    Here at VoEA we like a bit of groovy architecture as we’ve demonstrated previously with our features on the Futuro House , the Kunstoffhaus and of course the legendary Pierre Cardin’s Bubble House. Now we travel to the flatlands of Holland to take a look...

  • Wish You Were Here – Restaurant Postcards

    • 14881 Views • 1950s, 1960s, Architecture, FoodComments Off on Wish You Were Here – Restaurant Postcards

    So how do you make sure your customers don’t forget their delicious meal? With postcards of your fine eatery to go of course. Back in the day, cafes and restaurants produced a postcard of their establishments to publicise themselves and their wares and...

  • The Ultimate Bachelor Pad – James Bond House

    • 32306 Views • 1970s, Architecture, Film, FuturisticComments Off on The Ultimate Bachelor Pad – James Bond House

    He was the man who designed the Googie café that started a whole architectural trend in 1950s USA but John Lautner was an architect who during his lifetime was not fully appreciated by the wider architectural community and it was only after his death in...