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Archive for the ‘Architecture’ Category

  • Pierre Cardin’s Bubble House

    • 39822 Views • 1980s, Architecture, FashionComments Off on Pierre Cardin’s Bubble House

    We guess If you’re a famous Avante-garde designer with a flair for space age style, living in a boring old square shaped house isn’t an option – This may be the case with French fashion designer Pierre Cardin. In 1954 he introduced the...

  • Googie Style – Back to the Future

    • 41736 Views • 1950s, 1960s, ArchitectureComments Off on Googie Style – Back to the Future

    The contrast between post-war America and the UK really was quite astounding in many ways almost to the point where it seems in the 1950s everything in the States was in colour and we were struggling along in good old black and white. There were many areas of...

  • House of The Future – Kunstoffhaus FG 2000

    • 25366 Views • 1970s, ArchitectureComments Off on House of The Future – Kunstoffhaus FG 2000

    Even the name of this house sounds futuristic -The Kunstoffhaus FG 2000, the name sounds like it would be better suited to a kitchen appliance, rather than a house. Although we guess that when Wolfgang Feierbach was designing his dream home of the...

  • 1970 Encylopedia of Home Improvement

    • 22087 Views • 1970s, Architecture, LiteratureComments Off on 1970 Encylopedia of Home Improvement

    A bathroom that looks like something from the set of 2001 A Space Odyssey, Giant multi-coloured birds painted on a wall and Organs added to furniture units.These are just a few of the features in this Book titled – Practical Encylopedia of Good...

  • Abandoned UFO Houses in Taiwan

    • 46374 Views • 1960s, ArchitectureComments Off on Abandoned UFO Houses in Taiwan

    Regular visitors to Voices of East Anglia may be thinking – They’ve featured an abandoned futuristic village in Taiwan before! and they would be right. Previously we’ve posted pictures of the derelict space age San-Zhi Pod Village in...

  • A Nostalgic Look At The Future – A Clockwork Orange

    • 23320 Views • 1970s, Architecture, FilmComments Off on A Nostalgic Look At The Future – A Clockwork Orange

    This Nostalgic look at the future post is not as specific as our previous one that featured the house in Woody Allen’s film Sleeper. However, we decided that we would bend the blog rules on this one and here’s why. Although these...

  • The Art of Electronics – 1961 Motorola Adverts

    • 15253 Views • 1960s, Architecture, Retro AdvertisingComments Off on The Art of Electronics – 1961 Motorola Adverts

    Welcome to the world of tomorrow with Motorola – New leader in the lively art of electronics.These illustrated adverts by Artist Charles Schridde portray a future where we will spend half of our time listening to the stereo and watching TV and the...

  • On The Waterfront – Architecture

    • 10135 Views • 1960s, ArchitectureComments Off on On The Waterfront – Architecture

    Here at VoEA HQ we like nothing better than a bit of space age architecture. Combine that with a waterside location and it don’t get much better.These buildings are from various parts of the world but tick the right boxes when it comes to that...

  • A Nostalgic Look At The Future – The Sleeper House

    • 18803 Views • 1960s, 1970s, Architecture, FilmComments Off on A Nostalgic Look At The Future – The Sleeper House

    “I’m a clarinet player in 1973, I go into the hospital for a lousy operation, I wake up 200 years later and I’m Flash Gordon! said the Woody Allen Character Miles Monroe in the film Sleeper.  As the Sculptured house in Colorado resembles...

  • The Most Successful World Fair – Expo 67

    • 24348 Views • 1960s, ArchitectureComments Off on The Most Successful World Fair – Expo 67

    An astounding 50 million people visited the International and Universal Exposition or Expo 67 in Montreal, Canada from April to October 1967. On the third day there were 569,000 visitors, setting a single-day attendance record for a world fair. These figures...