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Czech it Out – Vintage Matchbox Labels

1960s, 1970s, Art, Ephemera • 23772 Views • Comments Off on Czech it Out – Vintage Matchbox Labels

As part of our ongoing phillumenical tour of Europe collecting empty matchboxes (and also empty matchbooks it should be said) we now head east from our previous excursion to Germany and take a brief stopover in Prague and the surrounding area to look at what our cousins, who at the time were living behind the Iron Curtain, were decorating their equivalent of Swan Vestas with back in the day.

Small but mighty is an expression that springs to mind when it comes to matchbox design and these are no exception. When you’ve only got an area of around two square inches you need to make an impact and these certainly hit the matchbox sweet spot. It almost seems a shame that they were restricted to decorating such mundane, day-to-day items as matchboxes but perhaps that’s the point (much like stamps really) – it’s the beauty in everyday items that sometimes passes us by. Blimey, that was a bit philosophical – right, let’s get back to what we’re good at. Here’s some old matchbox covers  – Czech them out below.



Czech Matchbox Label

Czech Matchbox Label

Czech Matchbox Label

Czech Matchbox Label

Czech Matchbox Label

Czech Matchbox Label

Czech Matchbox Label

Czech Matchbox Label

Czech Matchbox Label

Czech Matchbox Label

Czech Matchbox Label


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