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Len Deighton’s Action Cookbook

1960s, Book Covers, Food, Literature • 19190 Views • Comments Off on Len Deighton’s Action Cookbook

We’ve written about Len Deighton before when we looked at the mysterious Spy Story. Here we take a look at another side of Deighton’s scribing talents with his noted cookbook appropriately enough called Len Deighton’s Action Cookbook.

It was conceived with man of action bachelor type chaps in mind (not unlike some of the VoEA team) to enable them to produce simple yet sophisticated meals to impress the many chicks they invariably entertained (give us a break man this was the Swinging Sixties after all).

Putting the retro cliches to one side for just a moment it still stands the test of time and is testament to Deighton’s skill with both the pen and the pan. In addition as well as a great writer and cook he was also a noted graphic designer and created the first cover for Jack Kerouac’s On The Road. Don’t some people make you sick!

Len Deighton Cookbook

Len Deighton Eel recipe

Len Deighton Partridge recipe

Len Deighton Trout recipe

Len Deighton Beef recipe

Len Deighton Cook Book

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