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Get Organised – Keyboard Adverts

1960s, 1970s, Music, Retro Advertising • 17478 Views • Comments Off on Get Organised – Keyboard Adverts

In the past we’ve posted guitar, amplifier and synthesizer adverts, now we tinkle the ivories and pull out all the stops as we take a look at a few magazine adverts for organs.

The first advertisement is from an issue of Downbeat Magazine, it features the iconic Hammond organ which was used by everyone – from the local church organist to Deep Purple’s keyboardist Jon Lord.

Then we have a few far-out adverts for the psychedelic sound of the Farfisa organ for the action crowd. Meanwhile a Liberace look-alike, Batman and Robin promote the sound of the Hohner. And keeping with the super hero theme we finish with Patrice Rushden of Forget-me-nots fame plugging the funky Rhodes organ “If she did any more with a Rhodes, She’d be Wonder Woman”

VOEA Hammond Organ Fact

Apart from producing numerous solo albums, the legendary Jazz organist Jimmy Smith performed the organ solo on Michael Jackson’s 1987 hit Bad.

Hammond Advert


Jennings Organ Advert


Organ Advert


Farisa Advert


Farfisa advert

organ advert

Hammond organ advert

Rhodes Organ Advert

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