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Shop Around – Kays Catalogue

1960s, 1970s, Ephemera, Fashion, Retro Advertising • 44149 Views • Comments Off on Shop Around – Kays Catalogue

While investigating the heritage world of Kays on the internet  we’ve found out a couple of new facts about the British mail order catalogue. Firstly, iconic model Jean Shrimpton posed for the pages of Kays in the early 1960s. And the second interesting Kays-fact is in the early days of the business (They’ve been trading for a 100 years) they sold live chickens.Some of the pages of past catalogues were archived on The World of Kays website by the Research Collections of the University of Worcester.

From their extensive archives we’ve picked out some of our favourite pages from 1967 to the early 1970s. Keep an eye out for Monkees and Mod Shoes, Ready Steady Go presenter Cathy McGowan and all round entertainer Anita Harris.

Kay Catalogue 1960s kitchen


Kay Catalogue 1960s fashion


Kay Catalogue swinging sixties fashion


Anita Harris Kays Catalogue


Kay Catalogue swinging sixties girls fashion


Kay Catalogue 1960s


Kay Catalogue 1960s Mary Quant


Kay Catalogue 1960s menswear


Mod Shoes


Pierre Cardin Kays Catalogue 1960s


Kay Catalogue 1960s ladies mod shoes


Kay Catalogue 1960s women


Kay Catalogue 1960s Mod Shoes


Cathy McGown Kays Catalogue swinging sixties


Kay Catalogue 1960s ladies fashion


Kay Catalogue sixties menswear


Kay Catalogue 1960s Hush Puppies Mod Shoes


Kay Catalogue 1960s teenagers


Kay Catalogue 1960s teens


Kay Catalogue 1960s Home Decor


Kay Catalogue 1960s mens mod suits


Kay Catalogue 1960s girls fashion


Kays Catalogue 1960s


Images © Kays Heritage Group

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