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Streetlife in Sixty Eight

1960s, Everyday People • 9055 Views • Comments Off on Streetlife in Sixty Eight

It’s been a while since we’ve rummaged through Nick Dewolf’s huge photo archive, so for this post we’ve had a good dig around the photographer’s collection to bring you a cool selection of candid black and white snaps capturing  streetlife in the late sixties.

Here we travel back to America in 1968, a time when Stanley Kubrick’s new sci fi epic “2001 a space odyssey had just been released, bearded and beaded beatniks roamed the streets of Boston and guitar strumming youngsters strolled down Sunset strip.


1968 america


streets 1968


sunset 68


Beacon Hill 1968


america sixty eight


streetlife in 1968


68 streetlife


sixty eight


1968 usa


Sunset Strip in 1968


Streetlife sixty eight


1968 California

 Photos Nick Dewolf


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