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Swinging Sixties Japanese Film Posters

1960s, Art, Film, Poster • 34649 Views • Comments Off on Swinging Sixties Japanese Film Posters

When it comes to reinterpreting ideas and still coming up with something seemingly new and original the Japanese take a lot of beating and here for your perusal is a great case in point. Western movie posters from the 1960s repackaged for the Japanese market and in many ways looking better than the originals.

Check out Michelangelo Antonioni’s Blow Up, Steve McQueen’s Bullitt and Pete’n’Dud’s Bedazzled and that’s before we’ve even got anywhere near the letter C.







Fahrenheit 451




Blow up


How to Steal a Million


The Graduate


The Thomas Crown Affair


modesy blaise


planet of the apes




The Trip


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