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Back of the Mag Ads

1960s, Magazine, Retro Advertising • 16955 Views • Comments Off on Back of the Mag Ads

Back in prehistoric times wayyyy before the invention of the interweb and quality shopping channels, purveyors of fine household and beauty merchandise would often advertise their wares on the back pages of magazines with modest but nevertheless always true claims about the veracity of their goods.

Here, dear customer, for your entertainment and delectation we have sourced some very rare but also very excellent examples of the genre from the early Jurassic period. Just send $2.95 to VoEA, Dept.Z, England, UK for the full set and to join our exclusive mailing list. Alternatively save yourselves a few bob and look at our selection below. Two particular favourites are the Shag Pile Carpet Rake and the fantastic Air Conditioned Umbrella – essential items you never realised you needed until those clever marketing bods convinced you otherwise.




Talking Toilet

Girl Architects

Pampered Pet

Tootsie Toaster





Hairspray Mask

Pixie Rain

Cat Castle

Ah Men

Spice Rack Radio


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