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Leading the way, TWA – Retro Airline Posters

1950s, 1960s, Poster, Retro Advertising • 24213 Views • Comments Off on Leading the way, TWA – Retro Airline Posters

They may not be around any longer but their posters remain in perpetuity for us all to admire. TWA, once the glamour-pusses of the airline world, were flying here, there and everywhere and their ad campaigns weren’t afraid to show it either. Even the posters advertising their cargo routes rocked.

Trans World Airlines or TWA as it was more commonly known was one of the big four domestic American airlines during most of the 20th century until it was bought out by and merged with American Airlines on December 1st 2001. It struggled for much of the 1990s going bankrupt twice, once in 1992 and then three years later in ’95, having been slow to react to the 1978 US Airline Deregulation Act which removed control of fares, routes and entry of new airlines form government control. In addition it steered clear of both the trans-Pacific and air-cargo market during the 90s which was seen as a mistake and eventually it was unable to defend itself from the circling corporate wolves that gobbled it up in 2001.

VoEA Trivia Fact: During the 1950s TWA was known as the ‘Airline to the Stars’ and from 1941 to 1961 was owned by eccentric, reclusive, very, very rich, obsessive-compulsive sufferer Howard Hughes.


TWA Africa Poster

TWA Hawaii

TWA Israel



TWA New York

TWA San Francisco

TWA Spain



TWA Switzerland

TWA India


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