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Frank Horr – Man of Mystery

1970s, Art, Ephemera, Poster • 13313 Views • Comments Off on Frank Horr – Man of Mystery

When we put together a post we like to do some research and get a bit of background detail to not only satiate our never-ending thirst for knowledge (!) but also to share the information we’ve obtained with our good readers – just posting pictures up isn’t really our style.
Almost all the time when researching we manage to get the kind of information we are looking for which paints a picture and gives a bit of history and background but very occasionally we get stumped and this is one of those occasions. We have a group of posters from a period we believe to be around the 1960s bordering on the seventies, produced by an organisation called CAREERS from Largo, Florida and created by an artist by the name of Frank Horr. Thus far we can’t find anything out about CAREERS or the mysterious Frank Horr so we’ve not done so well this time.
We are guessing these were posters produced for kids around the end of their school days when they were due to enter the fearsome world of work. They are not far away from the motivational posters that emerged during the 1990s but at least these ones don’t take themselves too seriously. Mind you we could be completely wide of the mark so enough of our waffling and take a quick look for yourselves. Oh, and if anyone knows anything about Frank Horr we’d be interested to hear because we’ve drawn a complete blanky with old Franky.


1970 Career Poster

1970 Career Poster


1970 Career Poster

1970 Career Poster

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