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Getting Kicks With Stevie Nicks – Self-defence Book

1970s, Book Covers, Literature, Music • 39455 Views • Comments Off on Getting Kicks With Stevie Nicks – Self-defence Book

Stevie Nicks: multi-million selling singer-songwriter, nominated as one of the 100 greatest singers of all time by Rolling Stone magazine, one of the people behind the 10th best-selling album of all time (Rumours – Fleetwood Mac in case you were wondering), thirteen time Grammy award nominee and the kind of woman you really wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of if these photos are to be believed.

Quite how this book came to be we don’t know but Bob Jones, a noted antipodean martial arts expert, had been involved in providing security for the Beatles, Rolling Stones and Fleetwood Mac so we can see how the connection was made. Jones certainly must know his onions as in 1970 he invented his own martial art called Zen Do Kai and is still practicing it to this day.
Here Bob and Stevie Nicks team-up to demonstrate some handy self-defence tips for women which usually seem to involve hitting blokes in places where it really hurts. If you are of a squeamish nature then this might make your eyes water just a bit however if you want to see Ms Nicks doing high-kicks in sizeable platform boots then this could be just the post for you. In case you are wondering this is not the first celebrity self-defence book we’ve featured (surely this is a genre worthy of more study) and if you are so inclined check out Honor Blackman’s Book of Self-Defence right here.



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